Towards a hardware platform based on
graphene photonic integrated circuits
The project
GraPh-X or ‘GRAphene PHotonic frequency miXer’ seeks to develop a complete hardware platform based on graphene photonic integrated circuits.
Applications of this hardware platform will include next generation 6G technology and ultra-high speed and scalable sub-THz (110-170GHz and 170-240GHz) wireless links.
The proposed technology will also be the basic building block for high-speed radio back haul links, multi beam forming antennas for massive MIMO and short distance high resolution RADAR sensing.

The technology
To address the distribution and detection of multi Gbit/s radio signals over sub-THz tunable carrier frequencies, GraPh-X will employ an innovative approach based on graphene integrated photonics. It is anticipated that this technology will overcome current technical bottlenecks such as high phase noise and carrier frequency stability and tunability, which limit the sub-THz wireless communication technologies.

Graph-X technology at PhotonHub Demo center
Graph-X technology at PhotonHub Demo center We have the opportunity to disseminate GRAPH-X through the training activities that CNIT organizes in the framework of the EU project PhotonHub.

GraPH-X aims and activities presented at ETSI Industry Specific Group THz (ETSI ISG THz)
GraPH-X aims and activities presented at ETSI Industry Specific Group THz (ETSI ISG THz) NOKIA, on behalf of GraPH-X partners, successfully held a session to illustrate GraPH-X aims and activities during the ETSI Industry Specific Group THz (ETSI ISG THz) between 27 and 29 September 2023 in Braunschweig

A futuristic view on autonomous driving with Magna’s Zehra Adil
Zehra likes looking at the big picture

Interview with GRAPH-X researcher Alex Boschi
Curious to learn more about GRAPH-X from one of the researchers involved? Postdoc Alex Boschi shares his perspective on the project

Graph-X at Photonics21 Annual Meeting 2023
Vito Sorianello, coordinator of Graph-X, presented the project at the Photonics21 annual meeting on the 27th of April 2023.

GRAPH-X leaps into the new year
The newly launched EU-funded GRAPH-X project has big plans for 2023